Cold War Sites

GPO PR1 Protected Repeater Station

 Created 21-10-2001   Last update 28-10-2012

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If you can improve on the narrative that accompanies the following photos then please email me.

Engine room blast door

022 - The engine room blast doors

Engine room doors

015 - Engine room doors on the basement level. From the engine room, double doors lead to the left into the carrier and coax equipment room.

Diesel engines

001 - Two diesel engines linked to AC generators.

Diesel close-up

025 - Close-up of the left diesel engine shown in photo 001.

 Diesel close-up

024 - Close-up of the right diesel engine shown in photo 001.


002 - A compressor probably used as part of the air conditioning / filtration system. The air filtration system worked by running a curtain of flowing water through the incoming air flow to capture any radioactive particles and wash them out.


027 - Another view of a compressor this time showing that there were two of them.


023 - The compressor front on.


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