The Paulsgrove Chalk Pit

Underground Radio Station

 Created 06-03-2002    Last update 30-04-2002

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The following underground photos are accompanied by a small graphic plan of the tunnel, as shown in full on page 1, which has a red arrow showing the location and direction of the camera. 



entrance tunnel

The main entrance tunnel- 80 feet long. A concrete sill run the length of the left hand side of the floor. Out of shot to the left is a spur tunnel.



spur tunnel

This spur tunnel is 21 feet long, and terminates in virgin chalk.


Looking through the connecting tunnel , through chamber No1, to the roof of the staircase which goes downwards. The floor is concrete, and out of shot to the left is a 9 inch deep pit 3 feet x 1 foot, into which a 6 inch soil pipe terminates. This pipe leads in the direction of the camera.  

 the stair way

The stairs provide for a 7 foot drop in level between the chamber behind (No1) and the chamber below (No2). On the left of the stairs is a channel (probably for cables) running the entire length. On the left wall (not visible here) is a carving of a skull.

the Paulsgrove skull

The "Paulsgrove Skull" is legendary among the locals. Someone spent a lot of time, in the dark, on a staircase with a low ceiling to do this.

chamber No 2 looking towards the steps

The un-lined section of chamber No2  looking back towards the steps. This area was originally lined


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